Tuesday, September 21, 2010

An Average Day, Some Extraordinary Words

Today was an average day. I went to school, I went to the post office, I came home, I went to dance, and now I'm here.

You know, I never used to write like this. I was always a creative writer, but my words never flowed like they do here. And realized it's all because of one word:


Talia has been living by this word the entire time she has been here. And the other day, I understood why. Now I don't know if our reasons are the same, but here is what I have determined. For some unknown reason, since I have gotten here, I have a new appreciation for the little things in life. Have you ever taken the time to just stop, and look at the world around you? There is life everywhere. We live in a society in the States of hussle and bussle. And I can't say that I don't like that way of life. I do. But it's different here. Here, when I go for a run, I feel the wind in my face. I hear leaves rustling. There are no cars whooshing by or sirens blaring or cell phones ringing. On my run Sunday, I stopped where there was an opening in the trees and looked out over one of the fields. I was listening to music and just standing, watching. And I noticed so many things that I knew were there, but never paid any attention to. Like a spider crawling over plants or leaves brushing each other as small animals crawl through them. It's amazing how much life is around us and we never pay any attention to it. And I have a whole new level of appreciation for such things.

It's because of this appreciation that I find the words to write the way I do here. I wrote in the States, but I never shared it with anyone, because it was all so pointless. They were feelings, yes, but they had no meaning. It was all writing just to write. Here, I write because I have words swelling in my heart and when I look out my window and see the blue sky and clear, calm countryside, or the heavy rain, or the soft drizzle, or the cows or whatever may be out there, there are words to describe what I feel.

So yes, today was an average day. But I have an appreciation for my average day, because there were little things in it that made it extraordinary. I went to a dance class and released all of my negative energy. I got through yet another test. In French. I had multiple conversations in French with both my host mom and one of my friends from school. I ate amazing food. I'm in Belgium.

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