Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sick No Longer!

First order of business: My host dad wore normal pants today.

Second order of business: My sore throat is officially gone! It's amazing what a four hour nap can do. Normally, when I'm sick in the States, I go about my life that normal, and it takes a good week to heal. But there is in fact logic to the concept of "rest and lots of fluids". I am living proof! I've never gotten over a cold in one day! Fantastic.

Today, I had one class. Well, I also had my first class with Père Boly, but we spent that on a mission to find Talia coffee. Which we did find, and it was apparently terrible. I'm sorry dear. We also got our school pictures. I actually kind of like mine. It doesn't suck. So anyways, I thought I would have two classes today, but it turns out that my Science teacher was gone too, so I had only History. Which I was ok with, since I worked really hard on my homework and actually wanted to turn it in. After that, I went into town with Mikayla, Talia, and Edwardo. We got lunch and hit up the grocery store. And then I realized that I had left my wallet at home. Idiot, I know. But tomorrow is another day. After realizing that there really was nothing else for us to do, we retired to the café, which is normal for us, and just sat around for a while. My host mom picked me up around 1pm and I accompanied her while she took an old woman to the doctor's. The woman was very nice, but I fell asleep in the car, as I am still a bit foggy and sick ish, and slept through the entire thing. After that, we went grocery shopping, where I actually spoke up for the first time and picked out some things that I wanted, like BabyBell cheese and apples. You know, I really really enjoy grocery shopping. I don't know what it is about it, but I guess it has something to do with my incredible love for food.

Speaking of which, I have put myself on a diet, and it has only been a couple days, but I've been doing pretty well. I resist the Nutella every morning and I don't buy anything from the vending machine. I had a couple pieces of chocolate today at my house, but it wasn't too much and I had two hours of dance after.

Which was fail. I don't know why, but I just was not on in my class at all today. I think part of it was because I really am very tired still, and I'm still a bit sick. Plus I wasn't really into it today. I was zoned out. Hopefully Saturday will go better.

Dinner consisted of chicken sausages, which I found very interesting, but I don't know if I would ask for them again, potatoes, brussel sprouts, which I surprisingly enjoyed, and homemade applesauce, which I love!

Ok there wasn't much substance to this post and it was all over the place, but I just needed to have an upbeat, not so depressive one. I apologize for the sadness that had swept over my blog the last couple days. Hopefully, it's gone for a while! Bonne nuit!

1 comment:

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