Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Year Is Almost Over

I'm not sure when the last time I blogged was... I'm pretty sure the day that I went to Talia's for dinner. Yes that's right. Ok so I should pick up with yesterday.

So yesterday, Mikayla and I woke up at my house, under the impression that we would have to leave the house around 9 30am because we had heard my host mom say something about that the night before. So we got up, even though we had stayed up talking and watching How I Met Your Mother for hours and didn't get to sleep til 3am. Great quotes from last night: "It's not even a one word do!" "It's like a log of duck with a layer of fat on it. Well maybe ducks are just made that way". Anyways. We woke up, ate breakfast, and got ready for the day. But it turned out that we didn't have to leave until the afternoon. So instead of going back to sleep, we wasted time on the computer and talking. Eventually, right before lunch, we went, both of us, over to Mikayla's house. I was going to spend the night there because there was a little get together in Hannut that night at the café to introduce Talia's sister to all the Belgians. But more about that later.

We got to Mikayla's and threw all our stuff in her room, and then almost immediately went downstairs to eat. Of course. We had some couscous and found that the FAHB had taken the Jello that Mikayla had gotten him, and put it in the fridge. Not the made Jello, just the powder in the box. In the fridge. And when he came walking through the kitchen, we asked him why he had put the Jello in the fridge and he thought it was supposed to go there. We laughed at him, telling him that it's just the powder and it doesn't need to be refrigerated until you make the actual Jello. The FAHB cracks me up. We then talked about how the Belgians are not very creative with their food and just stick within the realm of meat and potatoes and blandness. I have to say, being here really makes me appreciate the food I eat in America. You know, all the Belgians make fun of Americans and say that we don't know how to cook and we make terrible food and all we eat is McDonald's. I detest that stereotype. Because I can 100% testify to the fact that the food that I eat in my house is better and more interesting than the food I eat here. I miss beef stroganoff and chicken paprikash and cottage cheese and noodles and macaroni and cheese and tacos and chicken salad and all the wonderful food that was made in my house daily. Don't get me wrong, I lucked out with families and I eat well here. But the food I ate in the States was much more interesting. I didn't just eat omelets. I ate omelets with tomatoes and zucchini and cheese and onion and all kinds of good stuff. And when I didn't know what to eat, I made something up. Belgians don't make things up. They don't experiment with their food and it's boring. They don't even have banana bread! And I really do think sometimes that when Europe came together to decide what European culture was going to be, Belgium was just kinda like no thanks we're good over here. I mean, you think of gourmet food, you think of Italian meats and pastas and French sauces and breads. In Belgium, we have waffles, fries, chocolate and beer. Oh yes. Very high class. I'm just frustrated with the lack of creativity in certain areas of my life. And it's not like I can just be creative on my own. The fact of the matter is that food isn't just sitting around the kitchen. They buy food for what they will make that night and there are never leftovers. Things like sour cream are hard to come by and food is limited. There is cream cheese, but there is only regular. No strawberry, no herb, no cinnamon. And I suppose that could just force me to be even more creative, but when there are no vegetables in the house and I can't just jump in my car and run up to the Giant Eagle, it gets a little complicated. Ok there is my little rant about Belgian food. Let us continue with the events of the days.

Mikayla and I then took a leap of faith. We cut my hair. Not all of my hair, just my bangs. I decided I wanted my straight across bangs back. So that is what we did next. I watched a few tutorials and looked up instructions. We grabbed a pair of scissors and went at it. They turned out pretty darn good, too. They're a little shorter on the sides than I wanted, but they look good and they will grow out. And after they do, I'm going back to the style I had a couple years ago. Which means cutting off a good four or five inches... But we'll get to that in a month or so. We then watched a few more episode of How I Met Your Mother, ate dinner, which was pasta with ketchup, and we were on our way to Hannut. We had to drop of Mikayla's little host brother at the de Wulf house first, but then we met up with Talia and her family at Mister Patate in Hannut. You know, the place with the giant sandwich and all the fries? Mikayla and I split fries and talked with Talia and her family. Eventually, some kids from school met up with us. Mathieu and Maxime sat with us and they spoke English so that the family would understand. They speak very well. I was impressed. Lately, we've all been speaking French so I forget how well some of the Belgians speak English. After we were done eating, we said our goodbyes to the parents, and they went back to the house that they were staying at. The rest of us went over to the café down the road that we always hang out at. I swear, everyone and their mother was there. Ok not for real, no mothers were there, but you get what I mean. There was really nowhere to sit and it was a cloud of smoke. I think Abbey (Talia's sis) was a little overwhelmed at first. But we started talking with the Belgians and they all took a liking to her and she loosened up fairly quickly. We had a good time talking and standing around. But there weren't many places to sit, and the radiator was not comfortable. Towards the end of the night, things started to get a little weird and Mikayla and I were starting to get aggravated, so we left around 10 30pm. We went back to Mikayla's and made ice cream sundaes with peanut butter, Nutella, sprinkles, and speculoos paste. The speculoos paste wasn't our best idea ever. We stayed up til about 2am watching more How I Met Your Mother, and then crashed for the night.

We had to get up early again this morning because Mikayla was supposed to catch a 10 30 train to go to Maastricht with the other girls from her Rotary club. The plan was to drop me off and home and then go to the station. But things got a little complicated and Mikayla's host mom decided that she would drive, and it wasn't quite understood that I was supposed to get dropped off at home before picking everyone else up. So it worked out that I just went too. We picked up Bella, an "oldie" from Australia, at the train station in Waremme and then Gabby from Guillemans in Liège, and then we were off. Basically, Maastricht is just another town, but it's in the Netherlands. So I can now add one country to my list of European countries that I have visited during my stay here. Fortunately for us, everyone there speaks English. We got stuck in some traffic on the way, but it was fine because with us four girls in the car, there was plenty to talk about. We got there, spent a good chunk of time trying to find a parking space, and then we went off to explore the shops of Maastricht with the understanding that we would meet back up with Mikayla's host mom at 4pm. First off, we found food. I got a sandwich with ham and cheese and pineapple, which was yummy. The bread makes it. Bella had this giant hotdog on a baguette with cheese, and the other two had Nutella crèpes. Then we did some shopping. But I did not buy anything. Be proud world.

In Belgium, there is a yearly sale. Almost to the extent of our Black Friday. Except it last multiple days, and it is really the only sale of the year. It takes place normally a few days after the New Year, and the discounts grow progressively as the days wear on. Well the sale had already began in Maastricht, and the stores and streets were very crowded. The giant two story H&M was pretty nuts. Mikayla waited a good 20 minutes to try on a few pairs of jeans. But it was worth it cause she found a great pair!

Around 4, we met back up with Mikayla's host mom, though she had to move the car because she had been parked outside of a "Sex Shop". Not joking, it said that on the sign and there were pictures of women, topless, on the shop window. The parking was just for the... *ahem* customers... of the shop. So we had to walk another ten minutes to get to the car. Which, normally, wouldn't be an issue, but I was not prepared to go shopping, so I was wearing my heeled boots and a very thin sweater under my coat, and with the cobblestone sidewalks and roads, it was a little rough. Luckily, though, I had earmuffs in my purse. So I didn't freeze to death. Bella and Gabby had decided to stay longer in Maastricht and take a train home, so they grabbed their things, we said goodbyes and then me and Mikayla were headed home with her host mom.

On the way home, we stopped at a GB to grab a recharge for Mikayla's phone and some chocolate for her... needs. Then we went back to her house, and waited for my host mom. We didn't wait long, but I ate a good amount of peanut M&Ms in that time. I really need school to start again. I'm much better about my diet when I'm at school...

So I went home after that and ate dinner and searched frantically for a way to watch that good old "Pippi Longstocking" online. However, no dice. All I could find was the 60s version, and I want the 1997 cartoon. Poo. Oh well, at least I'll sleep tonight. Which is very necessary, considering tomorrow is the New Year. It's pretty nuts to think that the year is almost over and pretty soon we'll be in 2011.

2010 was a hard year. There were a lot of hardships, difficulties, and losses. It taught us all how to grieve, how to cry, and how to be angry. But out of it, also, came how to love and how to support the people around us in times of need. In reality, it was was a great year for me. It is filled with lots of memories. I did some amazing shows in 2010. I graduated from high school. I went to my senior Prom. I had a wonderful boyfriend. I grew closer to my parents. I went to Belgium. I began learning French. Here's to 2011 being even greater! I have a lot to top. We'll see how it goes, but let's make 2011 a year of opportunities received and risks taken. No regrets, and don't take anything for granted. Live in the moment, and cherish what you have right now. Because tomorrow, it could be gone. Appreciate everything, even the struggles. Because the truth is, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. We wouldn't be who were are right now without the things that tested us. We passed the tests of 2010. Now let's throw that in 2011's face. Bring it on. No matter how hard it may seem, we can handle whatever life throws at us this year. Happy New Year everyone. Remember not to party too hard, and let's go into 2011 with a smile, holding hands, ready for a year of challenges and rewards. The prizes get bigger and better every year.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emma!!!! So I just discovered you're no longer on Facebook and I miss you, so I've decided to read some of your blogs today! Your life seems pretty awesome & exciting from what I read! I'm a bit jealous, but I don't think I could manage the homesickness just yet.

    First off, you ate pasta & ketchup?! Although I'm a fan of ketchup, that just sounds gross.

    Secondly, I LOVE HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER!!! IT'S LEGENDARY! Francis got Mare and I into like 2 months ago and we're already on season 4. I love NPH--did you know he just had kids? He and his partner just got twins from a surrogate! Google it--it's adorable!

    Thirdly, some of the food you eat there sounds pretty interesting, like stuffed quails and whatnot. But I love the food here--it may seem like 'mericans lack culture, but we eat some pretty tasty stuff!

    The last paragraph of this post gave me chills. 2010 was one of my best years, as 2008 and 2009 were the worst. I learned how to be strong in 2010, how to hold on to the memory of my Grandma without getting sad. I had a blast with my senior year & drama, and my first semester of college gave me the best end to the year, to say the least. Now 2011 scares me, because my entire future is unknown, but you've inspired me. 2011 can be even better than 2010--I'll have more opportunities available & even more amazing people in my life to support me.
