Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Day Without Facebook...

Ok so today was Day 1 sans Facebook. It's probably the first day in MONTHS that I have gone without so much as checking my page. And it was weird. I was constantly tempted to go back and reactivate it and just be on it. It just felt like something was missing. And I knew that I wouldn't have any notifications or anything to do on it, since when you're deactivated, you're not accessible. But still, I just wanted to be able to stare at the page and do nothing on it, as I normally do.

And that, my friends, is what we call an addiction.

Isn't it kind of sad how addicted we all are to Facebook? We spend hours on end doing nothing on it. Yes, you may post on someone's wall or respond to a message from a far away friend or reconnect with someone that you haven't seen in years. And that's all fine and dandy. But for all of those who are on Facebook, ask yourselves this. When you compare the amount of time you spend doing all those things with the amount of time you spend just absent-mindedly clicking around, going through people's photos or literally scrolling up and down your feed, fruitlessly looking for something new to occupy yourself with, what is that ratio? Think about it. It's a little depressing, isn't it? Think of all the things you could have been doing with that time. And today, I still just sat in front of my computer, looking for something to occupy myself with, even though I knew I had a book I could be reading or a drawing I could be finishing or a letter I could be writing. Or finishing the 50 000 word book that I started! But I didn't do any of those things because I'm just so programmed to waste time. We all are like that. Granted, in the States, I actually had things to do so it wasn't so bad, but it's a real eye opener, being off Facebook, even for just one day.

Quite the insightful post, today, eh?

Bonne nuit!

1 comment:

  1. You have no idea how much time I waste on Facebook. Ironically enough, I've spent the most time on there during finals week when I shouldn't have been on there at all. Oy.
