Sunday, December 26, 2010

I Think I May Die...

Ok a word to the wise: When you're full, STOP EATING.

I'm so full of food I can't stand it. I don't even know how my little tummy is holding it all. It's been like five hours and I still feel as if I'm going to burst. Let me back up and explain. Today, we went to my host dad's sister's house for the Christmas dinner that we were supposed to have yesterday. I met my host dad's brother and sister and their families, and his parents were there too. I really like his family! His sister is very nice, and she told me about the American store that is nearby, and his brother was nice too and we had some good conversation. P.S. My host dad is definitely the crazy in the family. But he did wear normal pants today.

The dinner was four courses. We started off with a salmon and something that resembled deviled eggs with a different taste. But the salmon had a weird gelatin on the bottom of it, and that really bothered me. I tried to ignore it and it was good overall. Next came the soup. I think it was a pumpkin soup, but I couldn't tell you for sure. After that was the main course. We had stuffed duck with oranges, green beans wrapped in bacon, potatoes, a celery purée, and these little fruits that I've never seen in the States with a name that I don't know how to spell. It was a good meal, but everything had this weird taste behind it that I didn't much care for. The thing about European cooking is that there is always fatty meats involved, which I really don't like. Green beans are great! But why must they be wrapped in bacon???? The duck was good, but it had a layer of fat across the top, and I think I was the only one who took that part off. I just can't handle the texture of fat in my mouth. I just can't chew on it. But after that was the dessert, and that was my poison. I intended on trying maybe two of the six cakes and tarts that were out on the table. But no, everyone was piling my plate until I had a piece of every single one. There were two ice cream logs, one with vanilla and raspberry and one with mocha. There was another log with mocha and chocolate, but it was more of a cake. There was a fruit tart, a rice cream tart, and an almond tart. And I had a piece of each. I really did think I was going to die. But after a half hour, I somehow managed to finish it all. They were all very good. I especially like the almond and the raspberry. The fruit tart was good, but it had a layer of that weird gelatin on it, and I didn't like that. I'm surprised I didn't burst. And I'm still feeling very full. My host brothers and dad ate dinner when we got home, but my host mom and I couldn't. I still feel like my stomach could burst any second. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep it off.

They did get me presents though! I received more Galler chocolates and a jar of Skippy crunchy peanut butter. YUM. Thank you American store in Antwerp.

Ok this wasn't the best post ever, but I'm tired and full and I want to go to sleep. I need to work out for like 5 hours tomorrow. Goodnight!

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