Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Yet Another Blog Post

I'm so bad at blogging lately. But even though nobody let me know they were out there, I will continue writing for my faithful readers because I know you are there, you're just shy. Let's catch up on the last few days, shall we?

Monday was just like any other Monday. I went to school and came home. But then I decided that I'm spending too much time staring at a computer screen and I'm getting fat. So I took one of the family bikes and took a ride into Hannut. Once I was there, I decided it would be a good idea to go visit Marie. Remember? Léo's mom! So a hop, skip and a jump and I was at her store and we chatted it up while she closed. It was so nice catching up with her. We talked til about 30 and then I realized that I had to get home to eat dinner. So I took my bike back and felt accomplished and happy once I got back. I had dinner with the family as usual and then went up to bed, as usual.

Tuesday was not very out of the ordinary either. Because I've had teachers absent lately, I had the afternoon off. So Talia and I went back to her house after deciding that we didn't have the time really to leave Hannut. And I ate something very unusual. Can you guess what it is? I bet you never will. We made sandwiches that she used to make in the States. Basically what they are is two pieces of bread with a sunny side up egg and cheese. Normal, right? But there is one more ingredient. PEANUT BUTTER!!! Not a joke, people. And it was so good! I was surprised at how delicious it was, but really, I thoroughly enjoyed it. We spent the rest of the afternoon watching Mamma Mia! I love Meryl Streep. So very very much. She rocks every role she plays. Anyways, I went back into Hannut around 6pm and my host mom picked me up and we went back home to eat dinner with the family. We had breaded fish stuffed with spinach. It was so nice to have some light, vegetable-y food. Of course, this was paired with cheesy potatoes. Not so light. I then went to dance that night. Apparently we are going to take my Lady Gaga choreography from the theater at school and put it to Aretha Franklin music for the recital... It'll be interesting...

Today was, well, Wednesday. And pretty much all Wednesdays go the same at school, since it's only a half day. Went to school, went home from school, ate lunch, did some computer shtuff, and then went out for the afternoon with a friend. We went and got ice cream from that same little place from before. I got the Kriek flavor, which was really good! And this evening, I went back to Bertrée for a barbecue with Ben, Olivier, Marie, and two other people who I didn't know, but met. We had a really great time! And I got to see Léo again too. He is so freaking adorable, I can't stand it. We ate, talked, cut Marie's hair, ya know, normal stuff. I had a nice night.

And now here I am, back home, trying to de-stress from everything that is going on for the moment. Basically, I don't know exactly what I'm doing next year, but I don't think that I am going to go to Point Park, in the end. And I was planning an Amsterdam trip this weekend, but I don't think that is happening either. Hopefully Spain is still a-go. We will find out. But I just need to sleep now. So goodnight everyone.

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