Monday, May 16, 2011

Spider In The Shower

Welcome back to another day in the life of Emma Clark. In Belgium, the country where Wind and Rain and Cold are the residents and Sun seems to have decided it has overstayed its welcome... Basically what I'm trying to say is that it's cold and gross again here, and I, once again, find myself not feeling very well.

It is now story time with Emma. Today's feature, "The Two Intelligent Girls". Ahem.

Once upon a time, there were two very intelligent American exchange students. Their names were Emma and Talia and they were going to school in Hannut, Belgium. One day, they went to school and were supposed to take their exam for gym: 3 kilometers running and about 8 kilometers bike riding in one hour and a half. Emma and Talia were very ready to take this exam and felt good about their chances of passing. They went through their first two hours of school as usual and after the pause, went to the gym to meet the others and take their exam. However, once they got there, they realized that they were supposed to go at the beginning of the pause instead of the end. By this time, it was too late! The teachers had already left with the class and there was nobody there. The door was locked. So Emma and Talia missed their gym exam and spent the two hours in the office of the nice priest, Père Boly, feeling exceptionally smart about the mistake that they had made. The end.

Ok if you didn't pick up on that, that was sarcasm. We felt exceptionally DUMB. Other than that, the day went as usual. School, went home, ate with the fam, which tonight's meal was leftovers from the communion yesterday.

OK here's a weird Belgium thing. They think leftovers are like, the spawn of Satan. Ok that's a little overdramatic, but seriously. There is nothing wrong with leftovers! And if you don't eat it right away, they throw it out! Which I don't like. I'm all for cold leftovers the day after. But as I'm not feeling well, I couldn't finish the rice that they got rid of. Even though it was only opened yesterday. Oh Belgium...

Otherwise nothing happened. Oh yes, the title of my blog. I'm pretty sure there was a spider in the shower when I took mine just now... The reason I say pretty sure is because I had already taken out my contacts, so I just saw a black blob that resembled something with legs... On my leg. Ew.

This post is spiratic and weird... Oh well it happens. I'm going to bed early; I really am not feeling hot... Bonne nuit tout le monde.

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