Sunday, February 13, 2011

Dinner And A Movie

As you may recall, yesterday I went to go see a movie with my good friend Romane. She and her mom came to pick me up around 5pm yesterday and we went to the train station at Landen, only to find out that we had a good forty minutes to kill before our train. So we took that time to get Romane a sandwich in Landen. Thankfully, she knows Landen like the back of her hand since she used to go to school there. So we were able to get some food for her and catch the train in time to go to Liège. We spent the train ride listening to all kinds of different music and swapping songs. Once we got to Liège, I got myself a sandwich and we caught a bus to get to the theater. We got there during the previews, but it was no big deal. We went to see a French/Belgian film called "Rien à Déclarer". And I'm super proud of myself cause I understood just about everything! It was funny and I understood the jokes and I laughed. It was about the two customs officers at the border between France and Belgium and their antics, because the Belgian is totally against anything French. It was a really great movie and I'm glad I got to see it.

But after it was over, that's when the real adventure begins. We were looking frantically for ice cream because we had a crazy craving, but we live in Belgium, so everything closes early. But we did find some Hagen Daas, which was lovely :) We got on our train and found a really awesome leopard print umbrella that someone had left and took some fun pictures. And then we started going and I got the feeling we were going in the wrong direction... I said this to Romane who then asked the conductor and it turned out that the train did not in fact stop at Landen. So we ended up getting off the train at another stop and my host mom came to get us there... At 10 30 at night... Cause she's the most awesome host mom ever!!

And now my host brother is reading what I'm writing as he marvels (again) at my mad typing skills.

Anyways, we got back to the house and then spent the rest of the night watching another French movie called "LOL" and just talking. And eating our speculoos ice cream. Normal girls night. But I was falling asleep so we stopped the movie halfway through. This morning, we woke up and ate breakfast with my host family and got a nice surprise visit from Olivier and Léo :) We then finished watching the movie, which I also understood and really enjoyed, and then I walked Romane home. When I got back, there were a million people at the house because we were, again, celebrating birthdays. We ate together and then I played some soccer with Benjamin and two of the younger ones. We also played other games that really didn't have any rules, and at one point, one of the kids asked me if I was sure I was a girl because I was so madly skilled. Hahahahahahahahahaha I have to say I was pretty impressed with my kicking skills also. Then we went back inside and ate cake and sang and then watched "House" with the fam. Now I'm vegging out on the couch with my host brother, flipping through the channels. We're currently watching "Kendra" on MTV... Lame. But that's ok.

Until tomorrow! (or maybe later...) Bonne nuit.

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