Wednesday, September 22, 2010

There's Nothing Better Than Chocolate

I really don't have anything exciting to say today... I'm just beyond exhausted so I can't even come up with something creative to write about ha.

Today was Wednesday. In Belgium, that means half-day. I had my first hour with Père Boly, as usual, second hour was étude, followed by Math and then Geography. And that was the end of my school day! I proceeded to go to lunch with Talia and a bunch of people from school, except that the restaurant that we were going to go to, Mister Potate, was closed. Which is odd, considering everything is open Wednesday afternoons. Nobody understood it. It's supposedly the best restaurant in Hannut, so we were pretty upset. But we went to Point Chaud instead, which is kind of a sandwich joint. (ha... joint... I'm immature) I got a ham and cheese sandwich. But I should have gotten the panini with brie cheese... Stupid me. Note to self: Order the panini next time!! Oh and can I just say, good bread makes everything better!

Afterwards, Talia and I and a few of the guys went over to the bar as usual and chatted for a while. Another random note: I hate when people smoke. Just hate it. It disgusts me. It's so common here. Everyone smokes and it's no big deal. Almost everyone that I have met smokes. But I don't. I can't even stand the thought of it. And getting a face-full of smoke all the time is not fun. I'm going to have lung cancer by the end of the year, purely from second-hand smoke!

Anyways, once we were finished up at the bar, Talia and I and our friend Quentin jetted over to a local bakery to pick up some chocolatey goodness, since Talia and I were on some weird chocolate rush all day. We got a delicious cake that was covered in chocolate and topped with chocolate cream. We shared that as we walked to the bus stop to catch the bus to go to Talia's house. Once we got there, Quentin waited with us for a little while, but the bus didn't seem to be coming. After he left, Talia and I sat and had some girl-talk time, but it got the point where we decided the bus wasn't coming and decided to head over to the other stop to catch the 2:55. We had some extra time so we went across the street really quick to the grocery store and bought a chocolate bar and a package of chocolate-covered waffles. We shared half the chocolate bar, but don't worry. I stashed the waffles for another day :)

Once we got to Talia's, we decided to go for a walk, since it was absolutely gorgeous out today. The sun was brilliant and it was nice and warm. I was wearing jeans and a long-sleeve shirt though, and it was kinda toasty... But a good walk nonetheless. We ate the other half of the chocolate bar on the walk too. At 5:30, Karine came to get me and I went home where I proceeded to Skype with my sister and talk to Ryan and even get a little sleep in before dinner. Dinner tonight was pork chops (which I don't typically care for, but these were good, of course!) and cauliflower with a delicious cheese-sauce that was to die for. Of course, cheese sauce makes everything ridiculously tasty. And cherry yogurt for dessert.

My language skills have been increasing dramatically this week! I think it is, honestly, because I have just been speaking more this week! I have been talking more to my friends and family, especially Karine. I tell her about what is going on back home, what is happening with my family, etc. I have had lunch with Mathilde twice this week, and we spoke in French the entire hour. I speak French with Quentin and Talia and Talia's host family also. I find it easier to speak, especially when I have something to say! I feel that my accent is pretty good too. The only frustration I have is that I feel like French is not as expressive of a language as English. It's extremely difficult to explain why I think that. The bottom line is that there are not as many words. Literally. In English, we have many words to describe the same thing, but they all have a slightly different meaning. Here, there is one or two words for everything. And there are no equivalents to many of the phrases that I use in the States, such as "cool beans". I find that frustrating because I am a very expressive person with my words in English and I use many different phrases and have a pretty extensive vocabulary. Oh well, I'm sure I'll figure something out!

So overall, it was a very average day. Nothing too exciting, so I'm not sure why I wrote so much, but I hope you enjoyed the play-by-play of my day :) À demain!

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